Solving the Mysterious Case of Unity Input System Not Working with Steam Opened
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Solving the Mysterious Case of Unity Input System Not Working with Steam Opened

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Are you frustrated because your Unity project’s input system stops working when Steam is open? You’re not alone! Many developers have encountered this peculiar issue, and today, we’ll dive into the reasons behind it and provide a comprehensive guide to resolving this problem once and for all.

Understanding the Unity Input System

Before we dive into the fix, let’s quickly cover the basics of Unity’s Input System. Introduced in Unity 2019, the Input System is a revamped input handling system designed to provide a more efficient, flexible, and customizable way of managing user input. It’s a significant improvement over the classic Input system, allowing developers to create more complex and responsive input logic.

How the Input System Works

At its core, the Input System relies on the concept of Input Schemes, which define how input is processed and routed to your Unity project. When you create an Input Scheme, you’re essentially creating a mapping between physical input devices (such as keyboards, mice, or gamepads) and the actions your game responds to.

The Input System consists of three main components:

  • Input Devices: Represent the physical devices that provide input, such as keyboards, mice, or gamepads.
  • Input Actions: Define the actions that can be performed by the user, such as moving the character or firing a weapon.
  • Input Schemes: Map input devices to input actions, allowing you to configure how input is processed and routed to your game.

The Culprit: Steam’s Input Focus

So, why does the Unity Input System stop working when Steam is open? The answer lies in Steam’s input focus mechanism. When Steam is running, it takes control of the system’s input focus, which means it becomes the primary recipient of all input events.

This is because Steam uses a proprietary input handling system to manage input for games running within its ecosystem. As a result, the Unity Input System, which relies on the operating system’s input events, is effectively blocked from receiving input data.

Solving the Problem: Configuring Steam’s Input Focus

The good news is that there are a few workarounds to resolve this issue. Here are some steps to help you configure Steam’s input focus and get your Unity Input System working again:

The simplest solution is to disable Steam’s input focus altogether. This can be done by adding a launch option to your Steam game:


To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Steam and navigate to your game’s library page.
  2. Right-click on the game and select “Properties.”
  3. In the “Launch Options” section, add the following command: -noinputfocus
  4. Click “OK” to save the changes.

This launch option tells Steam not to take control of the input focus, allowing the Unity Input System to function as expected.

Method 2: Using the Steam API to Release Input Focus

Alternatively, you can use the Steam API to release the input focus when your game is running. This requires some programming knowledge, but it’s a more elegant solution:

using Steamworks;

public class SteamInputFix : MonoBehaviour
    private void Start()
        if (SteamManager.Initialized)
            SteamUserStats.SetStat("InputFocus", 0);

Attach this script to a GameObject in your scene, and it will release the input focus when the game starts.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

If the above methods don’t work, try the following troubleshooting steps:

Step Description
1 Check Steam’s settings: Ensure that Steam is not set to capture mouse or keyboard input in its settings.
2 Verify Unity Input System settings: Make sure the Input System is properly configured in your Unity project, and that the Input Scheme is set up correctly.
3 Disable other input-capturing programs: If other programs are running in the background and capturing input, try closing them to see if they’re interfering with the Unity Input System.
4 Check for conflicts with other Unity plugins: If you’re using other Unity plugins that handle input, try disabling them to see if they’re causing conflicts with the Unity Input System.


In conclusion, the Unity Input System not working with Steam opened is a solvable issue. By understanding the underlying causes and applying the workarounds mentioned above, you should be able to get your input system up and running again. Remember to stay calm, be patient, and methodically troubleshoot the issue to ensure it’s resolved.

At the end of the day, as developers, we’re all about solving problems and creating amazing experiences for our players. With these solutions, you’ll be well on your way to crafting immersive and engaging experiences that delight your audience.

Happy coding, and may the input be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Unity developers, don’t worry! We’ve got the answers to your burning questions about the Unity Input System not working with Steam opened.

Q: Why does my Unity project’s input system stop working when I open Steam?

This pesky issue is due to Steam’s overlay feature, which can intercept input events, causing the Unity Input System to malfunction. Relax, it’s an easy fix!

Q: How do I troubleshoot this issue in Unity?

Start by checking the Unity Editor’s Console log for any error messages related to the Input System. You can also try disabling the Steam overlay or running your project in a non-steam environment to isolate the issue.

Q: Can I use a different input system in Unity to avoid this issue?

Yes, you can consider using Unity’s legacy input system or a third-party input solution like InControl or Rewired. However, keep in mind that these alternatives might require significant changes to your project’s code and architecture.

Q: Is there a workaround to make the Unity Input System work with Steam overlay?

Yes, you can use the `Raw Input` feature in Unity, which allows your game to receive raw input data bypassing the Steam overlay. This might require some additional coding and setup, but it’s a viable solution.

Q: Will this issue be fixed in future Unity updates?

The Unity developers are aware of this issue and are working on a fix. Keep an eye on the Unity blog and release notes for updates on this topic. In the meantime, use the workarounds mentioned above to get your project up and running!

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