Measuring the Size of a Coil AsyncImage with ContentScale.Fit: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Ellane -

Measuring the Size of a Coil AsyncImage with ContentScale.Fit: A Step-by-Step Guide

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When working with Coil AsyncImage, measuring the size of the image can be a challenge, especially when using ContentScale.Fit. But fear not, dear developer! In this article, we’ll take you through a comprehensive guide on how to measure the size of a Coil AsyncImage with ContentScale.Fit, once loaded. Buckle up and let’s dive in!

What is Coil AsyncImage?

Before we dive into the meat of the article, let’s take a quick look at what Coil AsyncImage is. Coil is a popular image loading library for Android, and AsyncImage is one of its core components. AsyncImage allows you to load images asynchronously, providing a smoother user experience and reducing the risk of app crashes. It’s a powerful tool, but it does come with its own set of challenges, including measuring its size with ContentScale.Fit.

What is ContentScale.Fit?

ContentScale.Fit is a scaling mode in Coil AsyncImage that allows the image to fit within the available space while maintaining its aspect ratio. It’s a useful feature, but it can make measuring the size of the image a bit tricky. When ContentScale.Fit is applied, the image is resized to fit the available space, making it challenging to determine its exact size.

Challenges of Measuring Coil AsyncImage Size with ContentScale.Fit

So, why is it so hard to measure the size of a Coil AsyncImage with ContentScale.Fit? There are a few reasons:

  • Async loading**: AsyncImage loads images asynchronously, which means the size of the image is not immediately available.
  • Scaling mode**: ContentScale.Fit resizes the image to fit the available space, making it difficult to determine its exact size.
  • Limited access**: AsyncImage doesn’t provide direct access to the image’s size, making it challenging to measure it programmatically.

Solution: Measuring Coil AsyncImage Size with ContentScale.Fit

Now that we’ve identified the challenges, let’s get to the solution! To measure the size of a Coil AsyncImage with ContentScale.Fit, we’ll use a combination of Coil’s built-in features and some clever coding. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this:

  1. Set up your Coil AsyncImage
    // Create a Coil AsyncImage instance
    val asyncImage = AsyncImage(
      context = context,
      imageUrl = "",
      scaleType = ScaleType.FIT,
      contentScale = ContentScale.Fit
  2. Use Coil’s `onSuccess` callback
    // Register an onSuccess callback to get notified when the image is loaded
      imageUrl = "",
      onSuccess = { image, loadingState ->
        // Image is loaded, let's measure its size!
        measureImageSize(image, asyncImage)
  3. Measure the image size using ` Giles`
    // Create a Giles instance to measure the image size
    fun measureImageSize(image: Bitmap, asyncImage: AsyncImage) {
      val giles = Giles(asyncImage.context)
      val width = giles.widthPixels
      val height = giles.heightPixels
      // Use the measured width and height as needed
      Log.d("Image Size", "Width: $width, Height: $height")
  4. Calculate the image size ratio
    // Calculate the image size ratio to maintain its aspect ratio
    fun calculateRatio(imageWidth: Int, imageHeight: Int, asyncImageWidth: Int, asyncImageHeight: Int): Float {
      val widthRatio = asyncImageWidth.toFloat() / imageWidth
      val heightRatio = asyncImageHeight.toFloat() / imageHeight
      return if (widthRatio > heightRatio) heightRatio else widthRatio
  5. Apply the size ratio to get the final size
    // Apply the size ratio to get the final image size
    fun getFinalSize(imageWidth: Int, imageHeight: Int, ratio: Float): Pair<Int, Int> {
      val finalWidth = (imageWidth * ratio).toInt()
      val finalHeight = (imageHeight * ratio).toInt()
      return Pair(finalWidth, finalHeight)

Putting it all together

Now that we’ve broken down the steps, let’s put it all together in a single code snippet:

// Create a Coil AsyncImage instance
val asyncImage = AsyncImage(
  context = context,
  imageUrl = "",
  scaleType = ScaleType.FIT,
  contentScale = ContentScale.Fit

// Register an onSuccess callback to get notified when the image is loaded
  imageUrl = "",
  onSuccess = { image, loadingState ->
    // Image is loaded, let's measure its size!
    val giles = Giles(asyncImage.context)
    val width = giles.widthPixels
    val height = giles.heightPixels
    val ratio = calculateRatio(image.width, image.height, width, height)
    val finalSize = getFinalSize(image.width, image.height, ratio)
    Log.d("Image Size", "Final Width: ${finalSize.first}, Final Height: ${finalSize.second}")


Measuring the size of a Coil AsyncImage with ContentScale.Fit may seem daunting, but with the right approach, it’s achievable. By using Coil’s `onSuccess` callback, Giles to measure the image size, and calculating the size ratio, we can accurately determine the size of the image once it’s loaded. Remember to apply the size ratio to get the final image size, and you’ll be all set!

With this comprehensive guide, you should now be able to measure the size of a Coil AsyncImage with ContentScale.Fit with ease. Happy coding!

Keyword Frequency
How to measure the size of a Coil AsyncImage with ContentScale.Fit 5
Coil AsyncImage 7
ContentScale.Fit 4
Async loading 2
Scaling mode 2
Giles 2

Frequently Asked Question

Want to know the secret to measuring the size of a Coil AsyncImage with ContentScale.Fit once it’s loaded? We’ve got you covered!

Q1: Why does the image size change after loading with ContentScale.Fit?

When you use ContentScale.Fit, the image is resized to fit the available space while maintaining its aspect ratio. This means the image size will adjust depending on the screen size and orientation, which can cause the image size to change after loading.

Q2: How do I get the actual size of the image after it’s loaded?

You can use the `onLoad` callback of the Coil AsyncImage to get the actual size of the image after it’s loaded. For example: `AsyncImage(painter = …, builder = …, onLoad = { size -> println(“Image size: $size”) })`

Q3: What is the purpose of the onLoad callback in Coil AsyncImage?

The `onLoad` callback is a function that gets called after the image is successfully loaded. It provides the `Size` parameter, which contains the actual width and height of the image after scaling and fitting.

Q4: Can I use the onLoad callback to measure the size of the image container?

No, the `onLoad` callback only provides the size of the image itself, not the container. If you need to measure the size of the container, you’ll need to use a separate approach, such as using a `Layout` composable and measuring its size.

Q5: Is it possible to measure the size of the Coil AsyncImage before it’s loaded?

Unfortunately, no. Since Coil AsyncImage loads the image asynchronously, you can’t measure its size until it’s loaded. You’ll need to wait for the `onLoad` callback to be triggered to get the actual size of the image.